Further case studies

Joint stability

Development of joint-stabilizing muscles for fetlocks, knee joints, hocks and the promotion of leg axis stability.

gelding wellington

Breed: Haflinger

Age at start of training: 7 years

Previous history: The problem was running away in panic on the lunge line, which had already resulted in several falls due to slipping

Customer: Owner Annemarie Hameder

Lesson interval and adaptation of the training plan: here a two-week intensive training course


The gelding moved at speed and with a sloping body axis.

After Equisensomotoric® training

Balanced equilibrium, optimum speed and vertical leg axes

Wallach L.

Breed: Warmblood

Age at start of training: 25 years

Previous history: torn muscle around left knee one year before training started, chip fracture left knee (healed), buck hoof back left, blind on right side

Customer: Owner

Lesson interval and adjustment of the training plan: every 6-8 weeks

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Video of first session: Muscles shortened due to kicking injury, resulting in an unsteady, unsteady gait.
The left hind leg and the right front leg were shorter.

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After Equisensomotoric® training

Video of second session: After 7 weeks of implementing the training plan, the gait pattern is already much more fluid.
The legs can be moved forward more evenly.