No, this basically has nothing to do with Equisensomotoric® Training.
While “sensomotoric” exercises for horses are mainly carried out standing on mats and balance pads, Equisensomotoric® training is a complete training concept that mainly takes place in motion.
The name of the trademarked Equisensomotoric® method is made up of the words for horse Equi, feeling Senso and movement Motorik. This is due to the fact that the method pursues the central objective of capturing and sensing the physiologically correct movements of the horse and making them learnable in order to help as many horses as possible to achieve a healthy movement sequence and emotional balance.
Equisensomotoric® training also aims to establish neuronal muscle interaction for this healthy movement sequence – something that can only be trained through movement and correct repetition.
For comparison: if I want to be able to play tennis really well, static exercises on equipment can help me to build up strength in my arm, for example (comparable to “sensorimotor exercises”).
However, for a fluid swing of the racket, targeted power dosing on the ball and finely tuned muscle interaction for the improvement of a sophisticated technique, I will not be able to avoid regular, real “playing tennis”, i.e. practicing in motion (comparable to Equisensomotoric® training).
Equisensomotoric® training also includes exercises for emotional balance, for example when horses are easily stressed, and information about the basic needs of horses, such as the desire for safety in the herd and clear communication from humans, which is essential for successful training.
Equisensomotoric® Training is therefore a comprehensive training concept with 7 far-reaching health goals – including the emotional balance of horses – while “sensomotoric exercises” on mats only cover a static aspect (e.g. joint stability, balance) while standing.
However, there is no reason not to do “sensorimotor exercises” in addition to Equisensomotoric® Training, as long as they are beneficial to the horse’s health.