Further case studies
Sound gaits
Establishing a movement pattern in the basic gaits that keeps a riding horse sound in the long term, prevents injuries and is joy to ride.
Mare Felina
Breed: Mix
Age at start of training: 6 years
Customer: Owner Karina Harrer
Lesson interval and adjustment of the training plan: every 4-6 weeks

Lack of musculature and sunken trunk.
The mare was only able to trot by levering out with her neck, and even when trotting, she repeatedly made sudden levering hops with her forehand.

After Equisensomotoric® training
After 6 units of online lessons, the mare shows a strong topline, harmonious muscling and a lifted rump.
The mare can trot and canter fluently and evenly throughout.
Gelding noci
Breed: Pura Raza Española
Age at start of training: 24 years
Previous history: thrombosis in the left rear a few years previously, X-ray of the front legs reveals a diagnosis of hoof rolls and numerous arthroses in the toe joints (shell), the horse has been unable to canter to the right for over ten years (always jumps into the outside canter)
Customer: Owner Nathalie Enzinger
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At the start of his training, Noci had not been ridden for some time due to his health problems.
At this time, he does exercise daily on the extensive paddock trail, but his gait is stiff and stiff.
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After Equisensomotoric® training
Selected exercises are used to establish back activity so that the stride soon shows an improved flow of movement.
The training plans are gradually adapted to his pace of development and he can soon be trotted again and later also ridden.
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After Equisensomotoric® training
Correct muscle development enables the horse to canter to the right at the age of 26.